Rev. Chuck DeBardeleben
Pastor Chuck DeBardeleben and wife Stacy came to Redeemer Community Church (then Centerpoint Church) just over three years ago. He graduated from Belhaven University, taught school and coached football, basketball, and baseball before receiving theological training from Reformed Theological Seminary. He has gone on to serve churches in Alabama, Georgia, and Florida for over 35 years. Stacy attended Belhaven University and also received mentor training with Serge (Formerly World Harvest Mission) in Philadelphia. They both enjoy people and sharing their lives with others.
Chuck's Facebook
Redeemer Community Church Elders & Deacons
Redeemer Community Church is a church is a part of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), a biblically-based and Reformed denomination that is built around the principle of plurality among the Elders of the Church, which means that leadership is shared by Elders who have been elected by the people. This is a safeguard to ensure that the church is not dominated by one or two individuals.
If there is any way we can pray for you or serve you please contact us.
Darryl Courtney
Floyd Magwood
Jim Ritchhart
Chase Bowles
John Berg
Matthew McClain
Darrell O’Kain
Jeremy Veale