We believe in the primacy of the Gospel, the good news of what God did through his Son Jesus Christ’s sinless life and substitutionary death. The power of that message literally changed the world in the first century, and is still changing lives today. The Gospel is what we rely on in order for God to change us and make us more like Jesus.
Redeemer Community Church is a member of the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA). We subscribe to the theology of the Westminster Confession of Faith, along with the Larger and Shorter Catechism. Originally written in 1646 in Westminster, England, it is the best summary of Christian Doctrine ever composed in the English language, and has stood the test of time.
A foundational principle of life at Redeemer Community Church is that God never meant for us to follow Christ all by ourselves but rather in a community of people who seek to live out the Gospel in the way they relate to one another. In a world of conflict, bitterness, and revenge, Jesus calls us to be His disciples that love God and others. It is simply not possible apart from him living his life in us. But when we do this we discover life lived to the fullest!
Worship & Teaching
First Christian Church
(Meeting Hall)
401 SE 19th Ave
Ocala, FL 34471
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM