Redeemer Community Church is gospel-centered church in Ocala, FL. We are members of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).

Children's Devotions

Children's Devotions


Frisbees and what were we made for

Frisbees and what we were made for

You know what a Frisbee is?  

If you had never seen one before, what would you think about it? Would you know it’s for? You might think about wearing it as a hat, putting your lunch on it like a plate, digging in the sand like a shovel. You might even eventually throw it.

Throwing! That’s what Frisbees were made for.

What were you made for? If you answered that you were made for God, you are right.

How does that show in your life? How do you know when someone was made for God? A good way to know is when they strive to serve God and love others.

You know, you won’t really enjoy a Frisbee until you use it for what it’s made for and throw it. You can eat your lunch on it, wear it on your head, dig in the sand with it, but you won’t enjoy it unless you throw it and you see it fly through the air.  

Similarly, you won’t understand what it means to enjoy God until you learn to serve Him and love other people, because that’s what you were made for. We don’t need anything special, we just need a heart that longs to serve Jesus, to worship Him and to love others.

Let’s pray that God will help us learn to fly for Him. That means to worship Him, and worship Jesus and love others.


Thank you, Lord, that You made each of us for a purpose, just like Frisbees. Our purpose is to love you and love other people. Thank you that we can do that even as little children..

About the Redeemer Community Church PCA children's devotions:

Sometimes it can be hard to break down Biblical truths for our kids into easy-to-understand and easy-to-remember bite-sized pieces. Pastor Chuck does this weekly in his Children's Sermon, and we're sharing key points from those sermons here each week. Feel free to use with your littles as conversation starters throughout the week, reminders of what we learned in church on Sundays, and just general opportunities to share our love of God's word and His love for us.

Redeemer Community Church PCA is a Presbyterian church in Ocala, FL.