Redeemer Community Church is gospel-centered church in Ocala, FL. We are members of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).

Children's Devotions

Children's Devotions


Card tricks and temptation - when you don't see the whole truth

The devil doesn’t show you the whole truth - kind of like a magician doing a card trick.

Have you ever seen a magic card trick? You know there isn’t any magic in those card tricks, right? It’s called “sleight of hand.” “Magicians” who do card tricks show you something, and you think you see it, but what you thought you saw you didn’t really see.

Sound confusing? Basically, card tricksters distract you and make you see what they want you to see.

When you get tempted to sin, that’s what the Devil tries to do. He tries to show you what you want to see, but it isn’t the truth.

God wants you to be fruitful in your life. But producing fruit comes from a heart that’s in love with Jesus. Satan wants to distract you and cause you to see other things. But remember, magicians don’t show you the truth. Satan doesn’t show you the truth, either. We need God to open our eyes to see the truth and focus on Him.

Let’s pray about that!


Lord, we are thankful that You show us the truth. And the truth is You are the Lord of Glory and You want our hearts to produce fruit. Help us to be conscious of our sins and also conscious of our need of grace.

About the Redeemer Community Church PCA children's devotions:

Sometimes it can be hard to break down Biblical truths for our kids into easy-to-understand and easy-to-remember bite-sized pieces. Pastor Chuck does this weekly in his Children's Sermon, and we're sharing key points from those sermons here each week. Feel free to use with your littles as conversation starters throughout the week, reminders of what we learned in church on Sundays, and just general opportunities to share our love of God's word and His love for us.

Redeemer Community Church PCA is a Presbyterian church in Ocala, FL.