Redeemer Community Church is gospel-centered church in Ocala, FL. We are members of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).

Children's Devotions

Children's Devotions


Jesus, the shepherd and the door

The Shepherd is the Door!

More than 2,000 years ago, herds of sheep were cared for by shepherds who worked day and night to keep their sheep safe. One way they protected them was by keeping them in a sheepfold at night. The sheepfold could be made from fences, hedges or even walls made of stones – sometimes 10 feet high! This would protect the sheep from wild animals that would like to come in at night and eat them up. What kind of door did sheepfolds have? Often, they didn’t have a door or gate at all. There was just an opening in the wall or fence. At night, the shepherd would lie down in the opening, so if a wild animal wanted to sneak in and grab a sheep, it would have to go over the shepherd. The shepherd was the door.

Did you know this is a picture of Jesus? Jesus is the door. He is the gate. He lies in that opening to protect us with His own life. He died to protect us and save us from our sins. Jesus is the door.


Lord, thank You that You are the door, the gate, the way we get to Heaven. We pray You watch over us and keep us all the days of our life. Thank you that You’re the trustworthy shepherd of our souls.

About the Redeemer Community Church PCA children's devotions:

Sometimes it can be hard to break down Biblical truths for our kids into easy-to-understand and easy-to-remember bite-sized pieces. Pastor Chuck does this weekly in his Children's Sermon, and we're sharing key points from those sermons here each week. Feel free to use with your littles as conversation starters throughout the week, reminders of what we learned in church on Sundays, and just general opportunities to share our love of God's word and His love for us.

Redeemer Community Church PCA is a Presbyterian church in Ocala, FL.